ADV August Degasperian

ADV August DegasperianADV August DegasperianADV August Degasperian


Alcide De Gasperi Foundation



Degasperian August advertising campaign 3

Advertising campaign for the Alcide De Gasperi Foundation

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Degasperian August advertising campaign 2

ADV August Degasperian edition 2018

The Trentina Alcide De Gasperi Foundation was established in 2007 by the Autonomous Province of Trento and the Luigi Sturzo Institute of Rome.

It carries out research, training and cultural dissemination activities, aimed at deepening and enhancing the figure of the great Trentino statesman. Interpreting De Gasperi's message in a contemporary key, it therefore promotes political culture, autonomy and the historical and cultural identity of Trentino, civil participation, knowledge of international and community institutions.

As on the occasion of the previous edition, during the 2018 edition of the August Degasperian, BigFive took care of the communication for the "Solitudini" Campaign, a Valsugana event consisting of 11 events including cultural events, theatrical performances and concerts.

Communication was handled both for traditional mediums with the creation of billboards, advertising graphics and posters, as well as for the web which saw us involved in the creation of teaser videos, Instagram Stories and Facebook covers.

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Alcide De Gasperi Foundation
