How to grow on Instagram: 8 Tactics to exploit the Algorithm and Increase Engagement


A rocket launched into space, with the Instagram logo on the hull and a backdrop of stars and Earth below, symbolizes the rapidly growing potential for engagement.

Engagement on Instagram drives the success of brands and content creators, so understanding and influencing the platform's algorithm has become critical. 

With over a billion active users, Instagram confirmed itself as one of the most loved social media at the beginning of the year: in first place among the favorite social platforms in the global ranking and in second place, after WhatsApp, in the Italian ranking (source: WeAreSocial), and is therefore a fundamental channel for growing your business.

In this article, we reveal it to you 8 tips to increase the engagement of your Instagram profile, optimizing your strategy in line with the platform algorithm updated to 2024.


  1. Publish High Quality Content Consistently
  2. Encourage Interaction in Your Posts
  3. Take advantage of the Stories and Reels features
  4. Use Relevant Hashtags and Localization
  5. Write an Effective Bio
  6. Comment on other Pages in Target
  7. Take advantage of Trends
  8. Analyze Your Data and Adapt Your Strategy
  9. When to rely on professionals?

How the Instagram algorithm works

The Instagram algorithm, constantly under discussion and analysis, plays a decisive role in determining what content will be shown to users, significantly influencing engagement on this platform. Based on a series of factors such as interest, relationships and recent content, the algorithm aims to personalize each user's feed, showing the posts deemed most relevant to their past interactions and tastes.

Instagram Engagement: what is it?

Instagram engagement is an Insights metric that measures and evaluates how engaging and interesting content is to the audience; it includes likes, comments, shares and views. 

Increasing engagement means increasing user visibility and interaction with published content. Understanding and adopting targeted strategies to maximize interaction has become a coveted objective for those who want to grow on this platform. 

1. Publish High Quality Content Consistently

The Instagram algorithm rewards visually appealing and high-quality content: clear photographs, well-edited videos and reels, and original graphics; these are also some of the services you find at BigFive. We must not forget to be constant; posting regularly keeps your audience engaged and informs the algorithm that you are an active user, increasing the visibility of your posts.

2. Encourage Interaction in Your Posts

If you want to reach more users and increase interactions you must stimulate these actions by inviting conversations via requests or call to action (CTA) in your captions. The algorithm favors posts that generate interaction, especially in the first moments of publication. Replying to comments and interacting with your followers can help increase engagement.

3. Take advantage of the Stories and Reels features

The Instagram algorithm is subject to continuous updates and additions, as are the features present on the platform. Stories and Reels have become very powerful tools for reaching a wider audience and easily increasing engagement. The algorithm promotes publications that use the platform's new features, as well as widgets, so evaluate and experiment with these formats in your strategy as well. 

4. Use Relevant Hashtags and Localization

Hashtags are a powerful tool for increasing the visibility of your posts. Even if they have less weight than a few years ago, it is good practice to use relevant hashtags, mixing general ones with others specific to your market niche. Adding localization to your posts can also help you reach an interested local audience. Both are factors that the algorithm considers to increase your reach.

5. Write an Effective Bio

The Instagram bio is often considered of secondary importance, however, the attention to some details in this section offers the possibility of immediately catching the user's attention by providing them with the main data of our activity. 

Communicate who you are, what you do: the bio must be incisive, reflect your personality or your brand; use keywords relevant to your industry include a clear call-to-action (CTA). Remember to add a link to your website or important page: it's the only clickable one on your page, make the most of it! This helps Instagram's algorithm better understand the context of your profile and also easier for users to find and connect with you. 

6. Comment on other Pages in Target

An effective strategy for increasing Instagram visibility and engagement is to actively interact with other pages that appeal to your target audience. Commenting on posts from pages related to your industry, followed by your potential customers or target audience, not only shows your interest and support for the community, but also exposes your profile to potential new followers. 

The comment must be relevant to the brand and similar to its values and yours. Approach this strategy with authenticity: try to make real connections and showcase your expertise or your uniqueness through your comments to stimulate curiosity and lead users to visit your profile.

7. Take advantage of Trends

Be up to date and keep up with trends can make content go viral: accept changes and experiment. Leverage the latest trends for your brand: whether it's popular hashtags, challenges, filters, or content styles. Select those in line with your business and still create useful materials for the user, in order to reach a wider audience, perhaps new target audiences and develop interest and involvement.

With the right training and the right skills, you can go as far as publishing engaging real-time marketing content, to attract new followers and increase engagement. 

8. Analyze Your Data and Adapt Your Strategy

Finally, in the Explore section and in the Feed section - 'Suggested for you' you can get a first clue regarding the efficiency of your profile: Instagram "categorizes" your profile based on the contents previously seen, you will find other similar ones that it thinks are similar to your interests and your sector of activity.

Next, using analytics tools provided by Instagram can offer valuable insights into your profile's engagement. Monitor performances of your posts, understand what works best and adapt your content strategy accordingly. The algorithm rewards those who can evolve with the platform, so staying informed and flexible is the key to greater success.

When to rely on professionals?

Leverage the Instagram algorithm to your advantage it requires dedication, creativity and an understanding of the dynamics of the platform. By implementing these tips, you can significantly increase the engagement of your Instagram profile, building a solid and influential online presence. 

Remember, each section of Instagram uses its own algorithm, which adapts to how users use it. Therefore, consider the option of relying on professionals: our communication agency is capable of create editorial plans and social strategies capable of growing your business by fueling lead generation and sales.

Do you want to improve engagement on your Instagram profile?

Choose to rely on professionals in the sector, contact BigFive.